2-Minute Mindfulness Exercise Cards

Are you looking for 2-minute mindfulness exercises but don’t know where to begin? These printable cards have got you covered! If you’ve been looking for a fun and easy way to practice mindfulness for 2 minutes a day, look no further than these printable cards.
How do you use a mindfulness exercise card?
Practising mindfulness doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, you can perform 2 minute mindfulness exercises to start your day. Simply shuffle these 30 cards and pick one exercise to complete before you leave the house each day. Being the small size of traditional business cards, they’re easy to keep around your home when you need some mindful inspiration.
You can print them out, laminate them and use them to remind you to perform something mindful each day!

What are some 2 minute mindfulness exercises?
There are many different 2 minute mindfulness exercises you can do. These cards illustrate 2 minute exercise activities including breathing techniques, meditations, moving your body and visualisation.
Here’s what these 30 cards include;

- Stretch it out – bring close attention to how your muscles feel after you have stretched them out
- 2 minute tidy – let go of all your concerns and focus on mindfully tidying up for 2 minutes
- Let it go – a 2 minute meditation for visualising your concerns as white lights that you can release from your hands
- My mantras – a 2 minute meditation for focusing on your positive mantras
- Deep breathe – a 2 minute breathing exercise for becoming aware of how your body moves when you fill it with air

- Heart beat – a 2 minute mindfulness exercise to bring awareness to the rhythm of your heart
- Open your ears – a 2 minute mindfulness exercise to find calm and study your favourite music
- Silence – a quick mindfulness exercise to see if you can be still and silent without focusing on anything but your breath
- Make your bed – a 2 minute exercise for making your bed as well as you can to start your day productively
- Today I feel – a 2 minute self compassion exercise

- Good times – a 2 minute meditation for bringing about happy memories
- Figure of eight – a calm 2 minute mindful exercise for calming and relaxation
- Squat down – a 2 minute physical mindfulness exercise for bringing awareness to the sensations in your muscles
- Nice and warm – a 2 minute exercise for slowing down and focusing on one thing at a time
- Jump for joy – a physical mindfulness to bring awareness to your muscles

- 4-4-4 – a 2 minute breathing exercise
- 4-7-8 – a 2 minute breathing exercise
- Scrunch them up – a 2 minute awareness exercise
- Breeeeze – a calming 2 minute meditation for becoming present
- 6-4-6 -a 2 minute mindfulness breathing exercise

- Rooted – a 2 minute mindfulness activity for grounding yourself
- Gratitude – a 2 minute exercise for becoming mindfully grateful
- Name 3 things – a quick mindfulness exercise for grounding yourself in the moment
- Taste test – a 2 minute exercise for brining mindful awareness to your food
- Body scan – a classic mindfulness exercise to bring awareness to the different sensations in your body

- Drifting Thoughts – an easy 2 minute mindfulness exercise to watch your thoughts come and go without judgement
- Gravity – a simple exercise to become grounded
- Name 3 things – a simple exercise to be mindful of your sight
- Set 3 intentions – a 2 minute exercise for bringing purpose to your day
- Wiggle your toes – a quick exercise for bringing mindful focus to the sensations on your skin

2 minutes of mindfulness a day is enough to get startred
You will get better at doing mindfulness exercises the longer you do them, just like anything else, however, these cards provide a simple and fun way to get started in only 2 minutes a day. They provide an easy way to start involving mindfulness in your day-to-day. Simply having them around the house will encourage you to start being mindful. Once you become more comfortable with taking a few minutes out of your day-to-day, you can begin practising mindfulness for longer durations.
Why is mindfulness important?
Mindfulness has become more mainstream and more and more people are getting to grips with why mindfulness is important. It’s a great tool to use for regulating emotions and easing stress. Not only this but it’s a practical and often fun skill to be able to draw upon when you need calm in your day. It can feel a little awkward and alien to do, especially when you’re new to practising mindfulness but it gets easier to implement into your day the more you do it.

Download these printable cards now and you’ll receive two A4 PDFs that you can print and use today.
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