Creating Better Habits That Last

When I started this blog I used it as a place to share my thoughts about mental health and talked about some of my own struggles. But it began to evolve when I realised that the only way to get myself out of a rut was to create better habits and better routines.

I saw myself as a project that needed to be re-energised. Hence,

And since then it’s become very obvious to me that we’re all ongoing projects. We’re never done. There’s always room to grow and learn new things and you can do that, but you just have to be consistent.

I began to dig myself out of a mental and physical rut by harnessing a new philosophy, one that helped me to make sense of the world. I started to look after myself in healthier ways and before I knew it, I had a whole string of new habits that were helping to make me feel a bit better.

I realised that I’d always been the kind of guy who had started things but never really followed them through. I was floating in the wind, not knowing what I wanted to do with myself. I had no goals and no direction.

I gave myself short-term and long-term goals. Working backwards, I figured out the things I would need to do on a consistent basis to reach them. Then it was simply a case of just doing them.

But creating better habits can be hard and sometimes you don’t feel like putting your running shoes on. That’s why I began to share the things I was doing on a regular basis so they might be useful to others. If you’re looking for some inspiration, read the following posts and join me on this self-improvement journey.

Start by reading about the philosophy that helps me to build strong habits.


Next, find out some tips to help you build a daily routine so you can plan.

creating a a daily schedule

Then, delve into the blog to find some inspiration to use for yourself!

102 good habits to start

Measure your progress

Finally, visit the store to find your perfect habit tracker!

Find out more
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