I think everyone deserves to feel good. I write about the things I believe can make this happen.
Welcome to projectenergise.com. I started this blog back in 2017 at a time when I felt completely lost, anxious, depressed and as if I was drifting.
I wasn’t looking forward to anything, had gained a bunch of weight and hated what I was doing. You could say, that writing saved me.
It took me a while to realise that in order to get my mental and physical health in check I would have to create better habits in my daily routines. I’d have to write, share and discover new ways of doing things.
Since I’ve been on my journey, I’ve lost over 23 stubborn pounds of fat, become 50% more flexible, formed an (almost) daily writing habit, developed strategies to live with anxiety and built a growth mindset after several bouts of depression.
Start your journey to creating better habits here where you can learn how I began to develop healthier habits and find some inspiration.
Everything is my own opinion or lived experience unless I link it to research and studies.
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