FREE Mindfulness Journal Template Printable

Are you looking for a free mindfulness journal template? Look no further than our free mindfulness journal template that you can easily download and start using straight away. These journal pages are perfect for tracking your daily mindfulness exercises and habits and each page features a different positive, philosophical quote.
A free mindfulness journal template is the quickest way to track your daily mindfulness habit. Practising mindfulness is something you have to keep doing everyday to see the benefits so these journal pages are ideal in helping to stay on track because they work as a reminder but also as a way of reflecting on each day.
Why you should download this free mindfulness journal template
Journaling is one of the best ways you can track your progress. You can look back and see how far you’ve come over a period of time. Each 31 pages of this mindfulness journal template is blank so you can can jot down the month and date yourself meaning you can use these pages over and over again whenever you like.
The benefits of journaling
There are many benefits of journaling and it’s one of the best mindful practises in itself.
- Reduces stress
- A way of processing emotions
- You can see your progress in a tangible way
- Deepens self-discovery
- Increases focus
- You can set your intentions
- Allows you to be present
What is mindfulness?
If you’re not familiar with mindfulness, you might be wondering what mindfulness is. Mindfulness is the practise of bringing your awareness to the present moment. It sounds easy, but it can often be difficult to do. Actually practising mindfulness is straightforward. Some people struggle to practise mindfulness because they sometimes feel as if they’re not sure if they are doing it right.
Mindfulness doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact, some of the best ways to practise it are the simplest of activities like writing, drawing, meditating, listening to music, walking outdoors, observing your thoughts and journaling.
It’s not easy to stay fully present in the current moment and it’s normal for your thoughts to drift. When this happens, you need to gently pull them back to the now. Try not to be hard on yourself, simply connect with the current moment by doing a mindful activity.
To start doing something mindful each day, download these mindfulness journal pages and get started today. Each page allows you to note what mindful exercises you did each day whilst noting what you were grateful for.

How long should a mindfulness journal be?
A mindfulness journal can be as long or as short as you like but I think the more simple, the better. That’s why this mindfulness journal template has a simple design. Your mindfulness journal should be as long as you need it to be to check in with yourself.
You can use it to reflect on how you are feeling and what you have done on any particular day. Here’s a few mindfulness journal prompts to get you on your way.
Mindfulness journal prompts
- How are you feeling today?
- What went well today?
- How present did you feel today?
- What were you grateful for today?
- What was your intention today?
- Did you live your intention today?
- What did you do to be mindful?

Are you ready to get started? Download your free copy today and you’ll get access to your PDF file ready for you to print.