PRINTABLE: Anxiety Worksheet Journal

12 journal pages + mindfulness colouring sheets

Download the Printable Anxiety Worksheet Journal today and you’ll also receive mindfulness colouring sheets for FREE.
The Anxiety Worksheet Journal is a (downloadable pdf) printable worksheet journal for journaling your progress. Journaling is a brilliant way to get your thoughts out of you head and gain a little bit of clarity.
This printable download combines the power of journaling with a worksheet plan to help guide you through the process of getting your thoughts out and onto paper. Use this printable in your binder to track your progress week to week but also over the year using the Tracker line graph worksheet.
The Anxiety Worksheet Journal is not a substitute for therapy. Instead, it’s for recreational use to help build the habit of writing on a consistent basis, something that has personally helped me hugely.

The Anxiety Worksheet Journal is printable, meaning you can print it over and over again with no further investment…download it once, use it forever!

Who is the printable anxiety journal for?
The Anxiety Worksheet Journal is for those who want to journal their thoughts and get into the habit of writing. The combination of the printable journal and worksheets means you’ll get an easy way to keep track of your thoughts and feelings from week to week.
Key features of the anxiety journal
- Worksheet Journal For Every Day Of The Week
- Binder Friendly
- Worry Worksheet
- Daily Gratitude Worksheet
- Thought Bubble Worksheet
- Weekly Reflection Worksheet
- 52-Week Progress Tracker
Why is journaling so important for mental wellbeing?
When we suffer from high levels of constant anxiety, it’s hard to keep track of any progress we have made.
That’s why it’s important to have a way to visualise how you’re doing. I made The Printable Anxiety Worksheet Journal for those who feel a bit fed up and anxious, those who are feeling lost, and those who want to get into journaling on a consistent basis.
This is a really good starting point for becoming mindful of your thoughts and behaviour. When I suffer with anxiety, I find it hard to talk about and difficult to manage my constant worries. Writing in a structured way has been essential for me, as well as blogging my thoughts and what’s bothering me because I of course still get anxious from time to time and my head gets in a muddle.
My own thoughts would and still can whizz around in my head and I find myself hanging on to the negative thoughts. I’m someone that needs a structure or something to work on.
I truly believe in the saying; “What you don’t measure, you don’t manage.”
Dealing with unhelpful thoughts is something that you have to do over time and something that you have to consciously try and approach. We all get a little anxious every now and again but that doesn’t mean we can’t take action towards changing our thoughts. That’s exactly what I’m trying to do by sharing my experiences and writing on a consistent basis.
When we change our behaviour to be more positive through things like journaling, our thoughts can also become more positive. It’s a cycle of behaviour that we can break out from, I believe. Writing down how you feel and what your goals are is something that is shown to help those who feel muddled and anxious. It has helped me personally and continues to do so as I write my thoughts on my blog.
Promoting healthy habits each day
The aim of The Printable Anxiety Journal is to promote healthy habits each week. The journal comes with the seven days of the week with a section for you to add the date. You can print these sheets off as many times as you need to and put them into a binder.

Each day of the week contains healthy prompts for you to fill out so you can start to take your worry from your mind and start to work on them on paper;
- Identifying your worry
- Deciding on what action you can take to lessen your worry
- Identifying what you were grateful on each given day
- Identifying what went well on each given day
- Identifying what healthy habits you took each day
Working through your worries

The Worry Worksheet is designed to identify specific worries that might be bothering you.
Here you can describe your worry, decide what action you need to take to resolve it and focus on what would be a positive outcome to your actions. This helps to give you a road map of what to do if you’re worried about something.
A lot of the time, our worries can be solved by approaching a situation and taking action to resolve it. When things are out of our control, we need to let them go.
Other times, our thoughts are just plain irrational! This worksheet can be used to identify irrational thoughts if we can’t resolve our worry because it’s just too ridiculous!
Isolating my own concerns and tackling them in a logical way has been so helpful for me. Rather than letting myself panic, I try and work on one thing at a time. It doesn’t always work the way I’d like but it helps me feel as if I’m intentionally tackling something!
Intentional gratitude

The Daily Gratitude worksheet allows you to expand on your weekly gratitude. Being intentionally grateful for what you have or who you have in life is often the antidote for much anxiety in my experience. This has been game-changing for me and so this worksheet is designed to help you be consciously grateful on a consistent basis.
Track your progress
The Weekly Reflection worksheets is designed to be placed at the end of each week and used to reflect on what went well, what habits you maintained, what you achieved or felt good about and what your future focus will be in the coming weeks.
Track your anxiety all year with the Anxiety Journal

With the Anxiety Tracker worksheet, you can monitor your anxiety levels over the year. Score your anxiety over each of the fifty-two weeks of the year using this worksheet and see how you’re improving.
Often times it can help to see how much progress you’re making over the long term. You can stick this at the back of your binder and place a spot for each week that goes by.
Over time you can see how your mood is changing.
Personally, I find that I get more anxious at the beginning and end of the year.
The Printable Anxiety Journal – Over to you
If you want to start journaling your thoughts in a fun way, download the Anxiety Journal Worksheets now and you’ll receive a PDF download file in your emails. Simply send the file to your printer and you’ll be ready to start right away!

Download now and you’ll also recieve your FREE mindfulness colouring sheets.