40 Printable Mindfulness Worksheets For Adults + Scripts

If you’re looking for comprehensive mindfulness worksheets for adults, look no further! These mindfulness worksheets contain writing exercises, scripts and breathing exercises. These mindfulness practice worksheets can be used individually or in groups. Simply print off the 40-page PDF and you’re ready to start being more mindful.
These worksheets will help you to make mindfulness a habit. Although they are aimed at adults, children will also find them simple to follow.
The aim of these worksheets is to encourage you to build a more overall mindful attitude whilst also providing practical mindfulness exercises you can do almost anywhere, anytime.
You do not need to be a yogi, have meditation training or have any prior experience to develop a mindful attitude towards life.
Mindfulness can be confusing. That’s why this download comes with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness worksheet that you can put at the front of your binder or pop up on your wall. Once you understand each of the principles of mindfulness, you have a better idea of how to approach not just each mindfulness exercise but each situation in your life too.
That’s because mindfulness is more of an attitude to life, not just static exercises. Use these principles as you move through the worksheets.

One of the best ways to form a habit is to write about it, that’s why these mindful worksheets come with 16 mindful writing exercises. Each worksheet is designed to encourage self-awareness and clarity. Pop these writing worksheets in your binder and complete them as many times as you want to. Just print them off again!

This download contains several mindful breathing techniques you can use to find more relaxation and calm. Belly breathing is a wonderful deep breathing exercise that teaches you to fill your tummy with air. 4-7-8 breathing is another deep breathing exercise that involves holding your breath for several seconds before exhaling for a longer period. This breathing technique is another relaxing exercise that you can do anywhere, anytime to find more peace.
At the end of each exercise, describe how it made you feel.

I have also included some simple yet pretty mindfulness scripts in the form of posters. I think these look great on your wall and they help to serve as simple reminders to keep a mindful attitude throughout your day.

Start your mindfulness journey by practising the relaxing mindful walking exercise. Mindful walking is where you focus your awareness on the sensations on your feet as they meet the ground below them. You open yourself up to the sights around you and explore with wonder. It’s a wonderful exercise and is best done in nature where there’s less distraction.
The body scan is a popular mindfulness exercise that is simple to do. In fact, all of the exercises in these mindfulness worksheets are simple to do! This is a fantastic exercise because it brings awareness to each part of your body. Simply sit or lay down. Close your eyes and scan your body starting at the top and making your way down to your feet. Spend a minute or so on each area noticing the sensations you discover without judgement.
Use the space on the worksheets to describe how you felt after each of these exercises. There is no wrong answer.

Also included with these mindfulness worksheets is a mindful habit tracker allowing you to track your mindful exercises every day of the year.

Last but not least, you’ll also receive 54 free printable mindful affirmation cards! These cards are a great way to encourage a mindful attitude. Just print them off, laminate them and then scatter them around so you’ll always be reminded to be more mindful each day.
Are you ready to start your mindfulness journey?
Download your 40 worksheets for adults, 12-month habit tracker and 54 affirmation cards now!