best random acts of kindness ideas

99 Best Random Acts Of Kindness Ideas To Spread The Love

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Marcus Aurelius once said; “Very little is needed to make a life happy, it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” For me, this quote sums up everything that I believe in. Whether we are down, anxious, or upset, the ability to live a happy life is always within ourselves nonetheless. One way to boost your own mental health, and that of others, is to practice random acts of kindness. In our busy lives, we often don’t stop to think about stopping and helping a stranger in their time of need, or simply just doing something nice for someone we do know. I don’t think it’s because we’re selfish, I think it’s simply because we are not wired to be this way.

Some people say that money makes the world go round. I think that random acts of kindness, creativity, and love that make the world go round. When was the last time you carried out a random act of kindness for someone who wasn’t your spouse? What about the old lady that needs help crossing the road? What about the young mum whose grocery bags split all over the car park? Instead of walking the other way, let’s start showing these random acts of kindness, not just for the receiver, but for our own mental health.

In this post, I’ve laid out the best 150 random acts of kindness ideas for you, to give you an idea of what you can start doing today to make someone else’s day whilst making yourself feel good too. After all, if no one ever helped anyone else, none of us would ever get anywhere.

I know people who take, take, take from everyone and everything. However, I also know people who drop everything when their friends need them, people who pick up litter from the beach without being asked, and people who buy or make random gifts for acquaintances. Let’s be honest, if even 50% more of the world displayed random acts of kindness on a more frequent basis, we’d all be better off.

In our tough economy, I believe it’s never been more important to show random acts of kindness. We all need other people to help us when we’re in need. Whether you believe in karma or not, it’s likely your random act of kindness will come back around to you when you do something kind without being prompted.

Here’s why showing random acts of kindness to others is so important…If you show one small act of kindness to someone, it has the ability to change their life. None of us knows what others might be going through. If someone is going through depression or real difficulties in their lives, your random act of kindness can give them that small bit of hope and encouragement that they need to push through, more than you know.

How often do you hear someone say, “My faith in the human race has been restored” after someone performs a random act of kindness they didn’t expect? People just don’t expect others to show acts of random kindness.

Showing random acts of kindness doesn’t have to be extreme, in fact, the small things are usually the best.

best random acts of kindness ideas

99 Best Random Acts Of Kindness Ideas

  1. Make someone a hot drink
  2. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
  3. Run a bath for your loved one before they come in
  4. Text someone a bit of motivation when you know they’re down
  5. Give back to your community
  6. Donate to children in need
  7. Offer to buy someone shopping if they look like they’re struggling
  8. Carry someone’s bags to their car
  9. Make a handmade card for a loved one
  10. Tell someone how much they mean to you
  11. Get sponsored to do something for charity
  12. Visit a retirement home and volunteer some time there
  13. Donate magazines or toys to a children’s hospital
  14. Give a stranger a compliment
  15. Let someone with kids go in front of you in a line
  16. Give a stranger with young kids some money at Christmastime
  17. Pay for a stranger’s meal at a restaurant
  18. Offer to build someone’s complicated purchase at the homeware store
  19. Hold doors open for people
  20. Let someone pull out at a junction
  21. Donate your old clothes
  22. Grit a stranger’s driveway when it’s icy
  23. Fix something for someone for free
  24. Offer to take your friend’s kids to school/drop them off for no reason
  25. Say sorry to those with who you have had differences in the past
  26. Help someone across the street
  27. Do days work for someone desperate for help for free
  28. Tell someone how much they mean to you without being prompted
  29. Pick up trash at the beach
  30. Volunteer at your child’s school
  31. Pay a young family’s gas bill
  32. Ask someone what their biggest struggle is and commit to helping them solve it
  33. Give someone coupons that you know you won’t use anyway
  34. Put any loose change you have in a donation box
  35. If a waiter does a fantastic job, leave a generous tip for them.
  36. Leave an encouraging note for someone
  37. Write letters to vets
  38. Commit to a day of positivity to lift everyone else’s spirits
  39. Look after a friend’s kids for a day to give them a break!
  40. Fill a shoebox with gifts and send it to Africa for a child
  41. Give up your seat on the bus/train for the elderly or pregnant
  42. Lend something of value to a friend
  43. Buy your mother some flowers
  44. Make your family a warm drink on a cold day
  45. Take your family out for a picnic
  46. Surprise your loved one with a day out
  47. Leave notes around your house/apartment for a loved one
  48. Take your kids out to see a film
  49. Get something for your kids you know they’ve wanted for a long time
  50. Buy a family some drinks at a restaurant
  51. Put an encouraging note in a bottle a throw it into the sea
  52. Make a mixtape for someone
  53. Clean someone’s car for them, inside and out
  54. Cook a healthy meal and donate it to a homeless shelter
  55. Mentor someone in need
  56. Visit grandparents and listen to their story
  57. Help someone who has a flat tyre
  58. Lend someone your phone to make a call
  59. Mow your neighbour’s lawn
  60. Give someone a ride home
  61. Lend someone your favourite book
  62. Recycle things you don’t use
  63. Take someone’s bulky waste to the tip for them
  64. Give a sick animal a home
  65. Make a blanket or throw to give away as a prize
  66. Feed to ducks and birds at the park
  67. Let someone else choose what to watch on the TV
  68. Donate toys your child doesn’t use anymore
  69. Offer to help someone paint their house if they struggle on their own
  70. Plant a tree/trees
  71. Babysit for a friend one evening
  72. Walk an elderly person’s dog
  73. Volunteer to do some building work for a community project
  74. Teach someone something valuable that you find easy
  75. Start a blog and share your knowledge
  76. Leave small amounts of money for strangers to find
  77. Order an anonymous gift to be delivered to someone’s work or home
  78. Clean someone’s room for them
  79. Take your younger siblings out for the day
  80. Speak on advice for young people in need
  81. Pay for someone’s car gas
  82. Paint someone a picture
  83. Tell someone the truth and give them perspective
  84. Turn up at a friend’s place with a small gift
  85. Let someone who you’re thinking about them
  86. Just say thank you
  87. Gather online photos of a loved one and print them in a physical photo album
  88. Make a postcard and send it to a loved one
  89. Leave a small gift on a stranger’s doorstep
  90. Sign up for organ donation in your local area
  91. Take two umbrellas to work so you can hand one out when raining
  92. Just listen to someone who needs to vent it out
  93. When you find out something useful, share it
  94. when someone does a random act of kindness, give thanks
  95. Give someone the benefit of the doubt
  96. Just check in with someone even if you think they are okay
  97. Water your neighbour’s plants for them
  98. Buy a stranger morning coffee
  99. Donate food to your local charity

In my opinion, these are some of the best random acts of kindness ideas that you can do right now. As I said above, it’s the small things that often count the most. Making someone else’s day can easily make your own day. The look on someone else’s face is priceless when you perform a random act of kindness.

I hope you enjoyed these random kindness ideas, if you have any suggestions for the list, please leave a comment below.

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