Finding Your Passion In Life – A Quick Guide

How can I find my Passion? This is the question everybody finds themselves asking at some point in their life, normally in their twenties and beyond.

From what I’ve seen with close friends, people seem to think that finding their passion in life will make everything better and their life will some how become amazing once they do find it…

I’m not going to tell you that here, instead I’ll be real about how finding my passion in life keeps me on track and mentally healthy. That’s part of the reason I created, I want to help other people who are struggling with anxiety or generally those who feel fed up and at a loss…This website is all about keeping mentally healthy and on top of things and I believe that utilising whatever your passion is, is the first most important thing you can do. Even if you don’t suffer from some type of anxiety, the process of finding you passion in life is the same for everyone.

So, you’re probably here because unlike me, you don’t know what your passion is, and that’s absolutely find too.


My Journey To Finding My Passions


A little about myself and finding my passion in life…

I didn’t know what my passion in life was for most of my life, and being the anxious type of person that I am, it used to really bother me. I remember really wanting something to work towards because I like having clear goals and visions. I never had any real clear direction when I was at school, I didn’t enjoy most classes and that meant I had a hard time trying to decide what to study towards. I hadn’t found my passion in life. 

Okay, so i was only a kid, but, everyone else seemed to be play instruments and signing up for football coaching. So what the heck I was I gunna do?

That’s when we had a new art class and I soon realised I actually enjoyed it. People were telling me that my art was pretty god and that gave me a big confidence boost. After this kind of realisation, I decided to draw more and more. Soon enough I was improving and still impressing people. It was kind of funny to me because what I was doing seemed easy but to them, it seemed impossible.

I guess you could say I discovered my talent at this point. Soon enough my talent had become ‘my passion’ because I wanted to draw and got great satisfaction out of it. It was never forced and I never felt like I had to draw to get better at it – I just naturally did it because I was passionate about it.

After leaving school and finding my passion, I left for the real world, got a job, met a girl, moved in and had a child. There was no time for my passion at this point. I think this is the point where a lot of people find themselves. You’re so busy living ‘the responsible adult life’ that they put what ever their passion is to the side. So maybe you already know what your passion is, you just need to re-connect with it again.

Is Your Passion Right Under Your Nose?

That’s exactly what I did. In 2013 after watching lots of YouTube videos whilst our new baby slept, I thought to myself ‘Why can’t I do this too?’ You know – make videos and have people from across the world watch them, I thought that was a really cool idea – plus I’d already dabbled with making videos in the past. I knew exactly what I wanted to make the videos about too…Art.

So I set off to reconnect with my artistic side and haven’t looked back. I now have over 24,000 subscribers and millions of views on my videos. I love drawing, I’m passionate about it and other people are too.

The point is, your passion might be right under your nose which makes finding you passion sometimes easier.

How To Find Your Passion In Life When You Have No Idea What It Is

So what if you literally have no idea what your passion is? Try things. That is hands down the best way to find your passion in life. You really do just have to try new things out and see if you like them. Before I started drawing, I had no idea if I’d enjoy it and I had no urge to try it, I just did. There are so many things that you can try these days or do to find your passion.

These are just a few ideas;

  • Art
  • Sewing
  • Biking
  • Singing
  • Music
  • Video production
  • Website development
  • Swimming
  • Crafting

I’m not saying that you need to go out and try all these things right now, but just use your imagination. You might already have an idea of something that you enjoy doing. To find out if it’s you passion in life, try and imagine doing that thing every day. Could you? And would it still bring you enjoyment each time? If doing something naturally makes you excited or feel more alive, you’re probably quite passionate about it.

Forcing a passion is not going to work however, you can’t make yourself passionate about something and most people stumble across their passions in life.

I think that you just have to be open minded to trying new things and thinking in different ways.

You Can Have More Than One Passion

I know it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety when you’re trying to find your passion in life, you feel like you need to know your purpose in life now so you can live your passion for the rest of your life to make life fulfilling.

That used to be my thought process for a long time but I soon realised something…

You can have more than one passion AND they can all change over time. That’s why I don’t think you should stress yourself out wanting to find out what your passion in life is supposed to be. Your passion may change, you may even pick up more passions.

Everyone thinks they have to fix on one amazing passion to do throughout their life, however, you can obviously pick up other passions.

Here’s how I discovered another passion after I was routinely ‘feeding’ my first passion….

I was off work for 6 weeks after the birth of our son and that’s when I started making YouTube videos of my artwork. I had a lot of free time (something I wish I still had!) mainly because babies sleep a lot and through the day!

Anyway…I found myself doing a lot of reading online about making websites and how to set them up. If I’m honest, I always wanted to learn how to make a website, write content and get people to find it – ever since I was a kid. So, after a lot of reading and late nights on my laptop, I finally decided to take the plunge and buy my first ever domain name. This was truly exciting even though I didn’t have a website. After I did buy hosting, I started to build out my website. I won’t reveal what the URL was (It doesn’t exist anymore) and it’s embarrassing!

As I read more articles and learnt more and more about building websites I found myself getting more passionate about it. I would day dream about it and be reading about the subject every chance I had. I would get up at 4am everyday to work on my website and write. I was in super-charge mode, and I loved it. I was passionate about it. There’s no way I would get up at 4am to write articles if I wasn’t passionate about it.

So now I had two passions, making artistic videos and building a website about fitness. I will be honest, these two passions did take up a lot of time to maintain, these days I work making videos and writing into my schedule a lot better. The thing is, I’m still so passionate about art and writing…and that gives me a feeling of purpose.

No longer do I feel like the kid with no direction or passions. I now have two passions or activities that I find very fulfilling and enjoyable. They give me a sense of pride and accomplishment and I think that giving yourself these thoughts of accomplishment is great for your mind.

The Power Of Passion Food

No, I’m not talking about passion fruit or anything like that! I can only talk for myself here but, when I don’t get to feed my passion, I’m in a baaaad mood. It’s almost like a drug, I have to do what I’m passionate about otherwise I get annoyed easily.

I call this ‘passion food’ because you’re feeding yourself what you truly want and you get that ‘aaaah’ satisfaction feeling. When I get to draw or write, I get a great sense of calm and relief and that’s why I try and push anxious people to try new things, find a passion in their life and then feed their soul with passion food. It gives you purpose, direction and clarity to know what your mind wants and enjoys.

Part of feeling anxious or fed up is having a feeling like everything is out of your control and nothing really matters. When you find you passion in life, even if it’s just a bit, it gives you a reason to do what you do, it gives you a purpose and it means that you’ve taken control and decided what you want to be doing on this earth.

So, in summary, don’t force yourself to find your passion in life, try new things at your leisure and listen to what makes your mind smile.

I really hope my story was helpful, and as always, here’s to your success – Sean



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