48 Printable Self-care Worksheets

Are you looking for a comprehensive set of self care worksheets? If so, these might be perfect for you! You can think of them as a printable care package that aims to cover many different areas of self-care in a fun way.
These printable self-care worksheets consist of social, emotional, practical, mental, spiritual and physical goals. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to each of these areas of my life and so I went ahead and packed each of these six areas into different worksheets to help keep you on track. This download consists of over 48 pages and 22 colouring pages. The colouring pages give you something creative to do whilst the worksheets give you a way to log your progress with whatever is important to you.
All in all, these are comprehensive self-care worksheets.
48 Printable Self-Care Worksheets For Your Planner
Here are just a few different worksheets you’ll get when you download the printable self-care package worksheets;
- water tracker
- habit tracker
- emotion tracker
- meditation planner
- exercise planner
- meal planner
- check-in list tracker
- gratitude journal page templates
- goal setting for 3, 6 and 12 months of the year
- reframing thoughts worksheet
- self-care bingo
- self-care word search
- budget planner
- routine planner
- outdoor activity planner
- brain dump
- relationship tracker

Physical self-care worksheets
2021 was a year where many of us realised just how important our health is. It was when I started to exercise regularly again and fell in love with physical activity all over again. We all know that physical self-care is important but sometimes a busy life can put our health down the pecking order. The printable self-care worksheets package includes a variety of different physical self-care worksheets to help you log your physical activity in a convenient way.
Also included in this resource is a meal planner and recipe planner. I’ve done a lot more cooking and experimentation in recent months, specifically with more vegan-focused recipes. However, you can use this recipe planner page for any meal that comes to mind. It’s also important to know what meal you’re having each day so you don’t stray off a healthy diet. If you plan ahead it makes things so much easier.
This meal planner isn’t just for dinners though, you can use it to plan out your breakfasts, lunches and dinners throughout the week.
And don’t forget the sleep tracker worksheet that allows you to track your sleep throughout the month. Needless to say, sleep is important but how often have you tracked it?!

Emotional self-care worksheets
Emotional self-care is something I’ve never given much thought to. It’s not very often you stop and challenge your negative thoughts. However, if you don’t challenge them from time to time they can end up cascading into worse thoughts that have the ability to outright ruin your day. The printable self-care worksheets care package includes a worksheet designed for challenging negative and unhelpful thoughts. All you have to do is jot down a thought that is bothering you and then reframe it in a positive light. This is useful as it helps you see both sides of the coin.
If you want a fun way of tracking your emotions, use the emotions tracker printable worksheet and put it in your planner. A different colour represents a different emotion. The two worksheets cover the entire year!

Practical self-care worksheets
Practical self-care involves organisation and clearing your thoughts. Essentially, practicing self-care is about getting things done so they don’t weigh on your mind. Things like tidying up and getting the boring but essential ticked off your list. The printable self-care worksheets include a routine planner so you can plan your day along with a brain dump page so you can ‘dump’ your thoughts (or sketches in one convenient place in your planner. Also included are planners for your weekly activities that cover each area of self-care.
There’s also a self-care word search and self-care bingo sheets for you to flex your creative and puzzle muscles!

Social self-care worksheets
Social self-care is one of the most important things when it comes to good mental well-being, at least in my experience. I think that it is still underappreciated how important social contact is. These last couple of years have shown that for many people. The social self-care worksheets include worksheets to identify the most important people in your life and then encourage you to dive a bit deeper to explore why they are so important to you. You may even remember forgotten memories about how you first met and what your favourite moment with them was.
Like all the areas of self-care with these printable self-care worksheets, there’s a weekly tracker to keep you on track.

Spiritual self-care worksheets
Spiritual self-care is another area of self-care that is important because it’s important to take time out and reflect on where you are. It’s a chance to connect with a higher power, whatever that looks like for you. Recent times have made me deeply question and look at what is truly important. With a sharp break in reality, we had a sobering opportunity to look at life and what it meant. Some people rediscovered the beauty in the smaller things in life and reconnecting with nature. Rural experiences have become vital and more important than we ever thought they were.
This download also includes gratitude journal pages that you can print off as many times as you need to. The journal pages give you a chance to reflect on what is important to you. Most of the time we store these things in the back of our minds but there is a huge benefit to writing down your thoughts and reflections.
If you’ve never tried meditation, the turning of the new year could be a good opportunity. You can use the printable meditation planner page to track your daily or weekly sessions.

Mental self-care worksheets
Mental self-care involves doing this to improve your mood and mental well-being. That’s why I’ve added a budget planner page. Money is a real source of stress and anxiety for many people. I’ve experienced this myself a lot in the past. Having control over your finances takes so much pressure off your shoulders. Of course, it’s not always easy to do but tracking what you spend and what you save is a good starting point. This budget planner worksheet helps you to start doing that.
Another important aspect of mental self-care is goal setting. As mentioned, this year I am setting some goals to achieve, which includes working on this blog and creating more helpful resources. The goal-setting self-care worksheet helps you identify your goals and target different goals over the year at different intervals.

Printable self-care colouring pages
Included in the printable self-care pages are 22 floral pattern colouring pages for creative expression. Have a little downtime and start colouring!
With 48 planner pages for all-around self-care and 22 colouring pages, you can start getting organised today.
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