30 Things I’ve Learnt In 30 Years

I’d like to think that thirty years brings with it some lessons. So today, on my thirtieth birthday, I thought it made sense to write down some things that I have learnt along the way.

From the anxious teenager that didn’t have any sense of direction, to the father and soon husband who has a much clearer view of the road ahead.

I do not consider myself all-wise but I have certainly come to realise some things in life that I think would be helpful to those who are just starting out. Maybe you’re an anxious teenager that feels like they don’t have any direction.

So here are thirty things I’ve learned in thirty years;

  1. It’s okay to be confused. Things don’t always make sense but you can’t put pressure on yourself to have everything figured out.
  2. Some friends will be with you forever, but only a few, most will drift away and do their own things, and that’s okay.
  3. Some people have good intentions and some are just wired to be bitter. Never focus on the mean ones, they are dealing with issues themselves.
  4. It’s okay to feel sad for a day or two, even if you don’t know why. We are complex animals that are constantly experiencing a tornado of emotions.
  5. You can fall out with the people you care about but you should never ignore them completely. There is nothing much worse than being isolated and lonely no matter how much you feel like you’re ‘right’.
  6. It is healthy to try things, whether new foods or new experiences. Being openminded is vital to gaining a sense of happiness.
  7. Happiness is not found in ‘things’ or money. It’s found in doing what you naturally love to do and being with the people you naturally want to be around. Listen to yourself.
  8. Only by leaning into what you instinctively love can you feel truly at ease with yourself. If you keep doing what you hate you run the risk of falling into depression.
  9. Life can be long or it can be short. It’s important to look after yourself.
  10. Make sure you celebrate the good times and cherish them. One day you might regret not appreciating these times.
  11. Be grateful for what you have. There is always someone worse off than you. If your eyes and your ears are working, that’s reason to be grateful right now.
  12. A meaningful life is only meaningful if you believe that everything you do matters.
  13. Don’t worry about what other people think of you. They are not in your driving seat.
  14. You can only achieve a sense of peace when you remove the ‘you’ and instead enjoy the ‘we’.
  15. Love is only the first step. The next steps are work and effort.
  16. Try and be nice to people. People are usually surprised and grateful when you are.
  17. Everyone is just trying to get along as best they can, just like you so stop comparing yourself to them.
  18. Your mind is powerful. So powerful that it can create stories from thin air. Do your best to question them.
  19. Take everything with a pinch of salt. Black and white are rare. Grey is much more common.
  20. Allow yourself to have fun. Playtime doesn’t stop when you’re twelve.
  21. There are lots of things that need attention but just make sure you prioritise the most important ones to you.
  22. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Unplug every now and again.
  23. Try to see things as progress instead of setbacks.
  24. You won’t get along with everyone and that’s okay, that’s normal.
  25. Don’t worry about what other people think of you, it’s none of your business so don’t even worry about it.
  26. If you work hard enough you really can achieve almost anything but you had better be consistent.
  27. Helping someone else feels better than serving yourself.
  28. You cannot always win so embrace losing. Losing is the only way to truly get better.
  29. Life is not fair, but why would it be? All you have is your best effort.
  30. Moaning only makes things 10x worse.

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