Sean C

Sean C is a writer, passionate about improving one's self by maintaining healthy habits and doing the things that make life more meaningful.

deep breathing exercises for anxiety

4 Powerful Deep Breathing Exercises For Anxiety And Stress

  Deep breathing exercises for anxiety can be essential when you find yourself overwhelmed. When for example you find yourself experiencing high levels of anxiety, your breathing can increase in pace, causing you to lower your intake of oxygen, and thus, panic even more. Learning how to control your breathing can sometimes help to lower

4 Powerful Deep Breathing Exercises For Anxiety And Stress Read More »


How To Sleep When You’re Feeling Anxious And Can’t Switch Off

  Have you ever been so anxious and worried about something that you simply can’t switch off when you lie down in bed? You toss and turn as you can’t stop thinking about what happened earlier. I’ve been in this situation all too often. When the quiet of night comes, it’s easy for worrying thoughts

How To Sleep When You’re Feeling Anxious And Can’t Switch Off Read More »

metaphors for anxiety

36 Anxiety Metaphors To Help You To Explain Anxiety To Others

Everyone on the face of the planet experiences anxiety on different levels. Everyone also experiences anxiety differently. From the person who gets nervous before a test, to the person who suffers with a constant worrying feeling. Although I believe we experience anxiety almost daily to some degree, some people still say “I just don’t get

36 Anxiety Metaphors To Help You To Explain Anxiety To Others Read More »

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