overcoming depression

Overcoming Depression: Is The Answer Usefulness And Meaning?

I’ve had bouts of depression throughout my nearly 30 years on this planet. One of the reasons for starting this website was to describe what has helped me, but to also further examine deep subjects like meaning and responsibility. I’ve written previously about overcoming depression and how to survive depression by having a network here,

Overcoming Depression: Is The Answer Usefulness And Meaning? Read More »


Why Are Millennials Depressed? Don’t They Have It Easy?

Why are millennials depressed? Don’t they have it easier than every generation before them? They have smartphones, on-demand TV, Facebook, and cheap fast food. This is the argument that those from previous generations sometimes make. It would seem that millennials (anyone who was born in the mid-eighties) have never had life easier. There is so

Why Are Millennials Depressed? Don’t They Have It Easy? Read More »

positive thinking techniques

4 Helpful Positive Thinking Techniques For Anxiety And Depression

What’s the difference between feeling low, and feeling energised and upbeat? It’s of course down to how you’re thinking, and what you’re thinking about. Suffering from years of anxiety and depression, I wanted to put together a list of positive thinking techniques that help to pull me out of negative thinking patterns that I think

4 Helpful Positive Thinking Techniques For Anxiety And Depression Read More »

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