real life examples of positive thinking

10 Real-Life Examples Of Positive Thinking

If you’re anything like me, you tend to get fed up from time to time and fail to see ‘the good’. The truth is, it’s not always easy to see the good in things when you’re feeling really fed up and for some of us, positive thinking just doesn’t come to us naturally. There’s a lot of talk about positive thinking out there. However, does just thinking positively actually work? Especially when you’re really fed up and it seems impossible to see the good in a situation?

In my experience, it’s not a switch a I can just turn on and off to magically feel better. Instead, it’s more of a muscle that I have to work over time so that when a situation arises, I’m better prepared to see the positive side of things. It’s something I have to choose to do, even when I don’t particularly feel like it. Studies have found that by simply smiling you can trick your brain into thinking it is happy. However, in practise, I can’t see this being very helpful, especially in my own personal experience.

The real skill of positive thinking is pinpointing the good aspects of things, no matter how small they are and even when there doesn’t seem to be any. However, there usually are positive things to focus on, even when they’re hidden. I still have to work on positive thinking because it doesn’t always come naturally to me.

So, in this post, I’m going to lay out some real life examples of positive thinking as a reminder to myself and for your benefit too. Hopefully, these real-life examples of positive thinking will be useful in your day to day as they are based on real situations and thought patterns I try and apply in real life.

1. Getting ready for work in the morning

Sometimes you may feel a bit fed up or not motivated in the morning before work. Here’s a positive way to look at this situation.

Positive thinking example: “I may not feel like this today but it’s okay once I get there. It’s how I make my money that I use to get the things I like and care about,”

2. Someone cuts you off in traffic

Most of us have been in a situation whilst driving. Sometimes the adrenaline and anger can be long lasting but it’s obviously important to keep your cool. Here’s a positive way of thinking about the situation and calming down.

Positive thinking example: “I’m still in one piece and that’s all that really matters. If it takes me a little longer to get to my destination, it’s not a big deal,”

3. Feeling like you’re not good enough

Feeling like you’re not good enough or not ‘worthy enough’ seems to be more common than you think.

Positive thinking example: “I’m just as worthy as anyone else. I have the same potential and can achieve the same things if I try hard enough. Putting myself down has got me anywhere so far so from now I’m going to back myself,”

4. Feeling fed up for no apparent reason

There’s always days where you feel fed up but you don’t know way. You can try the following positive thinking example to perk yourself up.

Positive thinking example: “Today can be a good day if I choose it to be,”

5. Failing a test

I’ve failed many tests or got poor marks and it was very hard to pick myself up afterwards. It can feel like a huge deal at the time and sometimes it is however you can try and flip the situation on it’s head.

Positive thinking example: “I may have failed but at least I gave it a go. Now I’ve made at least some progress, I can come back and try this again after some more studying,”

6. When the weather is bad

S.A.D is a very real thing. When the weather is bad or it’s raining and glum, it can be easy to allow it to affect your mood if you’re that way inclined. However, there is still positives to be found when you’re stuck indoors.

Positive thinking example: “Good weather comes and goes. Tomorrow it might be nicer. I’m going to take this opportunity to work on my projects if I can’t go out,”

7. Look forward to things

I usually feel my best when I’m looking forward instead of backwards. There’s always something to look forward to. Even if it’s a small event, it’s still something positive to look forward to.

Positive thinking example: “Today might not be the best day ever but I’m looking forward to my event next week,”

8. Celebrate the things you don’t expect

There’s a whole range of small things that happen unexpectedly that we glance over because they seem unimportant. However, why don’t you try celebrating them? Celebrating small wins will make you more positive all round.

Positive thinking example: “I didn’t expect that to happen but I’m going to make the most of it!”

9. Become more grateful (intentionally)

It’s also easy to overlook and take people for granted. When you become more intentionally grateful, things start to seem more positive.

Positive thinking example: “I’m so lucky to have a family that cares about me and will help me, some people don’t have that luxury,”

10. Remember how far you’ve come

Even when you’re in a position where you feel like you’ve ‘gone back in life’, the truth is you’re more wise than you were before an experience and you have much more perspective.

Positive thinking example: “I may have taken a step backwards in one sense but I’ve learned so much in the process which means I’ll be better equipped for what may happen next,”

Other examples of real life positive thinking quotes

  • Today is another chance to improve
  • Even though I’m not there yet, I’m going to make the most of the journey
  • I feel grateful for waking up this morning
  • I’m lucky to have so many special people in my life
  • Tomorrow is another day to start again if I need to
  • I’m constantly learning from good and bad experiences
  • I’ve got the potential to do so many different things
  • I’m going to take a risk. If I fail, the world isn’t going to end
  • I’m doing the best I can do

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